Keyword Research is also known as Keyword Analysis. Keyword Analysis is probably one of the first steps in search engine optimization(SEO). To start the SEO task first you need to know the targeted keywords of your website. For this keyword research is done.
To start with keyword research the theme of the website is identified. Keyword research depends on some of important factors. Like theme of website, whether the website is offering products or services. If the website is a product selling website then first you need to maintain a list of all the products on website to be sold. And also all the sub categories are listed. An example of a product selling website is ebay. Here you can buy as well as sell products. So, the first important keywords are buy, sell, buy products, sell products. And after this products will be specified as keywords with the keywords buy, sell and also separately. For example some products on ebay are cars, camera, books, computers, mobile and so on. All these product names are the keywords for the website. Then these products will be combined with the keyword buy and sell, like buy camera, sell camera, buy books, sell books, buy mobile, sell mobile. Now all these products will have sub categories like for computers we can have monitors, laptops, printers and many more.
Keywords research include analysis of important keywords and after that for those keywords, keyword phrases are identified. Keyword phrase is one which combines two or more important keywords. Example of keyword phrases are buy nokia mobile phone, buy old nokia mobile phone, buy nokia 7200 online etc.
A website which is offering services can be a web development website. For this we can choose keywords like web development, web development company, web services. Now keywords phrases will target many other factors like locations, programming language based on which company works. Like web development India, web development company India, Java web development, web development in Java etc.
As we mentioned above that keywords research is the first step of search engine optimization, that is why it must be done with proper care and accurately. Because the success of any website in search engines is measured in terms of Search Engine Ranking Placement( SERP) of its targeted keywords. And it totally depends on that exactly which keywords we have chosen as the targeted keywords for the website and for the same we need to perform SEO tasks in terms of on page optimization and off page optimization.
There also some online tools available for keywords research, which makes keywords research more simplified and accurate for you. The fact is that you need to know your website theme, important products or services. After that you can put your important keywords(one at a time) in the available tool and tool will generate lots of keywords phrases for you automatically. After that you can choose keywords from the generated list as per your requirements.
Here is the list of some keywords generation tools:
By seoprofessional24
Thank post, hihi
Keywords research include analysis of important keywords and after that for those keywords, keyword phrases are identified
thanks information friend!!!!1
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