Pay Per Click(PPC) is one of the SEO strategy that comes under paid SEO category. It is one of the best way to drive visitors to a website when you have not done enough organic SEO on the website. PPC is a guaranteed method that bring visitors to your website. This is the strategy in which a advertiser pay for every click on the ad hosted by him. Through this method a website is advertised in search engine results based on keyword or key phrases typed by users in search engines. The search result is maintained on the basis of bid rate. Highest bid comes on top in search results.
PPC ads are also placed on content sites. Content sites mainly charge a fixed price for every click rather than the bid system. PPC should always be done with proper care, otherwise it can cost you a lot. To get the valuable visitors, first you must perform a keywords research. Only your targeted keywords should be used while doing PPC. It required targeted keywords, key phrases and appropriate titles. Next and most important aspect of PPC campaign is the Click Through Rate(CTR). CTR is calculated as Cost Per Click(CPC) divided by number of impressions. You need to sep up a monthly budget. You can also change your bid rates if you feel that its very low or high. You may get to know about the current bid rates on particular keywords through Google traffic estimator tool i.e.
One of the most popular PPC advertisers are Google Adwards, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft Ad Center. The minimum Cost Per Click(CPC) varies upon competition on the keywords and the search engine standards.
By seoprofessional24
Providing PPC management and tips in this article, as I am PPC executive I would thank you for sharing this.
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