Ways To Make And Save Money

Perhaps like myself, you're fascinated by unusual ways to make money. Years ago I read about an old couple diamond hunting in parking lots, and I knew there were more ways to get paid than I could imagine. As for myself, at twelve I pulled Playboy magazines from a newspaper recycling bin to sell in school. Before that I sold ammunition to both sides in my brother's paper-wad war. I still look for the more interesting angles on financial matters.

Unusual Ways Newsletter - Free

Did you know people make a living as subjects of medical experiments? It's one of the unusual ways to make and save money you'll find in my weekly newsletter. This is unlike any newsletter on money that you've seen - you can count on that. But more than just interesting, it's also full of useful information. And it's free! Why not subscribe now?

What Else?

How to pay the minimum on most of those credit cards to pay them off quick. How to write on any topic and get paid for it. How one man made $80,000 at roulette (I was working at the casino). Save money on almost everything you buy. Think about money in new ways. Learn about strange and interesting jobs you haven't heard of. Why not sign up right now? If it's not for you, you can easily unsubscribe anytime.

Not Sure? Newsletter excerpts can be found here: Unusual Ways
I just want to say that your newsletter is simply genius, and what I have been looking for. - Nick V
Hi Steve, I want to say that I love your newsletter. - Tracy G
Hi Steve, I'm a subscriber of your great newsletter and I've really enjoyed your content as I love reading about the unusual ways people make a buck. - Mason R

Unusual Ways To Make Money: The Pages

We've tried some of these ways. A few years back, my wife and I have sold a lot of rocks, for example. Others ways we've read about, like the man who finds treasure in vacuum cleaner dust. Then there are things we've seen people do to make money, like the man we met at a campfire who sold stuffed animals on the side of the highway and claimed to make $4,000 per month.

Make Money Finding Things is a page about treasure hunting - in unusual ways. Get the rest of the story on diamonds in parking lots, and treasure in vacuum cleaner dust.

Making Money Using What You Have is about using the skills, situations and things you already have to produce extra income. Do things, make things, rent things, sell things, and more.

Making Things To Make Money is for those who like working with their hands. I sold hundreds of walking sticks one summer, for example.

Money Making Hobbies : Find a way to make money with your current hobby, or find a hobby that you'll enjoy and make money with.

Playing With Money : Be a loan-shark? Beat the dealer at blackjack? All sorts of unusual ways to play with your money to make more.

Making Money With Real Estate : Some unusual ways to make money with land and houses and hilltops.

Even More Unusual Ways To Make Money: There are some fun ones here, including the man who sold stuffed animals on the side of the road.

Unusual Jobs : You don't have to start your own business to make money in unusual ways. Want to know what a "Wrinkle Chaser" is?

Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate : (off-site affiliate link) This ebook has made me money - Steve

My Unusual Recommendation: The Meditation Program - My favorite brainwave entrainment CDs. I use these to put me into a meditative state for brainstorming new ideas, and for reducing stress so I make better money decisions. - Steve


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